SCHS Alumni President's Message/AGM Reminder

Source: SCHS Alumni
Published: Saturday, May 21, 2022
test AGM
Dear Alumni,
In 2020, you gave me your support by electing me as President of the St. Catherine High School Alumni Association. It has been a term characterized by many successes and challenges.  Throughout the period I had the honour of being supported by a team of executive members who worked tirelessly and demonstrated their unquestionable love and loyalty to our beloved school.
Please allow me to thank them via this message for showing that teamwork indeed makes the dream work. They are: 1st Vice President-Shelly McLaughlin; 2nd Vice President - Joseph Halstead; Secretary - Stacy-Ann O’Meally; Treasurer - Anthony Johnson; PRO - Richard Lawrence; Assistant Secretary/Treasurer -Patreena Cunningham. Co-opted members were: Marve Wilmot, Rev. Robert McHugh, Alex Reid, Lance Scott, Nigel Walker. My presidency, and the executive, was ably supported by Immediate Past President Hugh Douse, who always shared his wise counsel, vision and expertise.
I must express a special thank you to the Chairman of the Board of Governors, Sharon Dale, who is my Mentor as she is the reason I became a member of the Alumni Association 10 years ago. I also want to salute past Presidents Paul Brown, Dr. O'Neal Mundle, and their executive teams for their vision and strategic moves over the years which are now bearing fruit. I am happy that they also all agreed to be co-opted.
This term was extra special with us battling a worldwide Pandemic.  I am grateful that we were able to partner with our Chapters in South East USA, led by President Jasmine Clarke-Barnes and North East USA led by then President Eddie Edwards and now President Dion Barnes.
On the team's behalf I wish to thank all of you, our alumni here at home in Jamaica and those overseas for your positive impact on the school’s affairs. I thank you ALL for your time, your talent, and your treasure.
I will offer myself again for the position of President with a new slate: Shelly McLaughlin as 1st Vice President and Nigel Walker as 2nd Vice President. Together we seek your support.

Nominations will open on May 15 and in accordance with the constitution (see attached) the Principal Mr. Marlon Campbell (or his nominee) will act as Presiding Officer.  Persons interested in running for any position, should contact the Principal at school, or through his email address
So on Sunday, May 29, 2022 at 4:30 p.m., let's fill Paschal Hall (Covid Protocols in place) as we continue to make St Catherine High School the school of choice in Jamaica.

Kerry-Ann White