St Catherine High 2021 Football Season - Thank You

Source: SCHS Alumni
Published: Tuesday, September 20, 2022
St. Catherine High School Manning Cup Team

The 2021 Football season ended with St Catherine High school retaining the ISSA Walker Cup, having won the Cup in 2019.

The team did well throughout the competition ending with, listed below: -

Other Team Trophies
•    Walker Cup Best Attacking Team 
•    Walker Cup Best Defensive Team
•    Our first Manning Cup Best Attacking Team...for the 2021 season

Individual Trophies
•    Walker Cup finals MVP
•    Walker Cup Leading Goal Scorer

Special thanks the coaching team headed by Anthony Patrick, assisted by Andre Daley, William "Brian 'Spencer, Shane Richards and Jovel Plunkett.

The football programme had an amazing management Team led by the then VP for Sports Joseph Halstead. The Team managers were Nigel Walker, Dennis Turner, Richard Lawrence and Mashir Graham. The team was ably assisted by Team Physio Raquel Dennis. We are thankful that these people have given their time, their talent and their treasure to the football programme at St Catherine High.

We are grateful that the principal allowed us the Alumni Association to co-manage the football programme. Special thanks to the parents and guardians for trusting us with your children. We had to put in several measures to ensure the team safety and you gave your support. Extra special thanks to our sponsors. Without your contribution, we would not have not been able to participate.

Finally, deepest appreciation to the team, the boys who have made us proud. The team is now in the history books, with more to come.

“Prayer and Work Conquer All”