NDTC Benefit Performance

Event Date: Saturday, August 3, 2024 - Saturday, August 3, 2024
NDTC 62nd season of dance

The St. Catherine High School Alumni Association is pleased to present a benefit performance by Jamaica’s National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC) on Saturday, August 3, at 8:00 pm. The event will be held under the distinguished patronage of the Most Reverend Kenneth D.O. Richards, DD, CD, Archbishop of Kingston. Tickets are available for a contribution of $3000.00. 


The NDTC 62nd Season of Dance promises to be a remarkable celebration of Jamaica's cultural heritage through dance and music, and an opportunity to support the projects of St Catherine High School. 


Included in the production are several talented  members from our St Catherine High School Community :- 

Musicians - Daniel Edwards  (Guitar), Rajay Henry (Bass Guitar), and Kevan Williams (Keyboard)

Dancers - Patrick Earle  and  Kamloy Thomas 

Singer - Kemar Lee (Tenor), and 

Stage Manager - Kenardo Phillips 


Payment Options:

 1️ Cash: Tickets are available at several locations please call 8768568122.


 2️ Bank Transfer: Prefer the digital route? You can easily transfer ticket payments to our designated account and the ticket(s) will be at the door on the night -


Bank : National Commercial Bank

Branch: St Jago Shopping Centre

Account Name: St. Catherine High PSA                                                                 

Account# : 471045918 

Account Type: Current

Swift code: JNCBJMKX


If you use the online option, please confirm payment by sending an email to schalumni@gmail.com