Membership Benefits


Who can join?

Membership is open to all past students of St Catherine High.
School-leavers who have exited the institution within the last two years, or those enrolled as full time students in tertiary institutions, should pay a subscription fee not exceeding 50% of the regular subscription fee but as decided by the Executive.(See constitution for further details)


Why Join the SCHS Alumni Association?

  • To Give Back
  • Make a difference – impact the lives of current students by volunteering  
  • Networking Opportunities 
  • Being actively engaged in this community will see you connecting with your school and fellow alumni. 
  • Access to Alumni exclusive events
  • Blue Book Membership/Access
  • Connect with classmates 
  • Be eligible to vote in our Annual General Meetings


Objectives of the Alumni Association

(extracted from The Constitution)

  • To develop, foster and maintain network communication amongst members, including local and international past students.
  • To contribute positively to the total development of the school community. 
  • To foster favourable relations between the school and the wider community.
  • To bring students who have been educated at the St. Catherine High School into closer interaction with one another.
  • To foster the interest of past students in the school, and to promote a feeling of unity among its past and present students.
  • To maintain a permanent record of all past students, including their present addresses, professions and outstanding achievements.
  • To play a part in the community development and help those less fortunate by displaying civic responsibility.
  • To generally promote the social, athletic, cultural, religious and intellectual welfare of its members and the school in such manner that is consistent with the mission and vision of the School.


Membership Category 

Honorary Member - any person who in the opinion of the Association has rendered outstanding service to the Association or the school.
Life Membership -  offered to any person who has paid a subscription fixed by the Association for that purpose. 
Paid-Up Member -  fees prorated up to and for the current month or period 
Fully paid-Up Member - fees paid in full for the year at the beginning of the period at January 1
Life- Long Membership is considered 10 years.
Lapsed payment period - nonpayment of fees for a year


Join now HERE